Tuesday 5 June 2012

I Don't Want The World To See Me

 I think it is practically impossible to be a perfect friend. Annoyed, yes, that it took me this long to work out, and yes, probably should come under the common sense category, but hey, here we are. So, in what sort of grouping/headings form the ideal 'perfect friend'?

 Always knowing that you can turn to someone when life is raping you up the arse with lemons is always a fair shout, or just someone who understands you and your sort of mental capacity is pretty handy. I mean, there are some of us who if we started talking to some people about the way that we think and tick, people would be calling up the men in white coats and fearing for their lives, so there will always pretty much be someone who can sort of relate to you as much as they really want to. But, just because they are a good listener doesn't mean that they are a shit talker (don't know if that really makes any sense, but seeing as the likelihood of this page going global is about as likely as me being a size 0, I'm not all that fussed). In fact, personal experience would say that those who are good to confide in are flawed in their shit capacity to actually retain information, and just blurt it out to whoever or whatever. We're all guilty of it, obviously. I mean, someone may have mentioned something, you mention it to someone else and then it goes ballistic. It won't be anything major, like 'I've secretly got a penis', it'll be something really trivial and then it turns into some mass murder scene. 

(Sorry, slight break, just trying to find this paying-in book, not going all too well...reeeally would quite like to bank this money and get these flights booked...asap)

 Well, in some ways this can tie in with numero uno, but I see it in different ways. So, again, we're in the predicament of life being a complete twat, and you know that you can call someone up and they will come to you or (more often in my case) you go to them for comfort. Well, no. That is ridiculous. Unless this friend is not in work, not at uni and is just in bed all day, they are not going to be there 24/7. It's not even just being in that state. They cannot tell when someone or something is amiss, so they cannot get to, say a beverage selling establishment or to a family party, and say to themselves 'Well, I may be needed tonight/today/this morning' and not consume alcohol. Believe it or not, sometimes, the universe does not orbit around you. YET - there is light at the end of the tunnel, ladies and gents, because some friends are well aware of these completely outrageous circumstances and will make the best efforts in order to help one another. So, perhaps this is a more ideal concept. I don't know what I would rather have, a good listener or someone who is always there? Hum. Onward. 

 Really kind of a touchy subject/concept/ideal of a friend. I say this because it only really mostly applies to verbal or 'talking the talk' sort of protection, and there will be no walking at all. Whatso-fucking-ever. 'He hurts you, I'll deck him' Yes, I say that. And I have actually done it before, so I'm not about to sink through the quicksand all that dramatically. But, I think more of a pivotal moment is when shit is actually going on, and you really wish someone would fly in and be like 'STOP - FIEND!' but that has no bloody chance of happening, again. My age has obviously enlightened one-self (I'm only nearly 20, if any of you think I'm some bloody old fart in a camper van...), and with such wisdom comes the knowledge that the only really protective friends you are going to have are going to be guys that somehow care for you (either as a really close friend or bordering on that 'I maybe like you, but really, I don't') or the gay friends. I only really learnt about the latter in the last 8 or so months during my time at university. So, a 'perfect' friend possibly should bear these traits: i. Punching those who insult/hurt/maim/violate you. ii. Verbal/physical abuse to those that perhaps you dislike. iii. Killing those who offend you, and treat you like the Godfather  I mean...yeah, general standing up for you.

 Some of you (why am I even saying this, no one reads this thing?) are probably thinking 'if they don't make the effort, then surely they're not a friend...?' Damn fucking straight. Oh, excuse me, phone's ringing...why am I excusing myself...But yeah, hang tight for two ticks. Oh no, I have to hang tight for two ticks. So, anyway, typing quickly now as I know this phone is going to start going off soon, making an effort is a fundamental part of being a friend. Sooo, say for example, a friend gets a partner, oooorrr one goes to university, you would expect a friend to make an effort? Fuck hell no. They'll only bother when you need it. Those who do make the effort (as some of you...no, there are none of you...but still going to keep saying it...so, as some of you are probably thinking 'have friends that do make effort during such examples') - HOLD FUCKING TIGHT TO THEM AND DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT LET GO OF THEM. Because they'll end up being the old person sat next to you in the nursing home, chilling and talking to you about the good old days of MSN. Ah, MSN...No, that's for another time. PHONE! Right, that's 15 minutes, hang up. Ok. So, any more to say on this? No...No...(CONSUELA!)

 In the urban dictionary, 'consideration' is defined as being making love. Well, I don't mean that. I think it's more in terms of understanding the relationship of what comes out of one's mouth and how it will effect those surrounding one's self. I don't really think this is entirely a 'perfect' friend factor, actually, it's more along the lines of just being civilized to be brutally honest. If you don't like something, fuck what most people say, shut up and don't say anything. I think consideration, in terms of a friendship, is more in the sense a particular grasping and understanding of what matters most to those you would like to call 'friends'. It's not exactly a black and white idea, I know, wasn't saying it would ever be clear. But it's fair enough, if someone respects something, respect that they respect that, and if don't respect something, respect the fact that they don't respect that. 

I think that I will have to construct more lists and aspects of things, I have quite enjoyed doing this. It's good for my ranting anyway I guess. Now, as always, I leave you with some lyrics. 

You got me so wild,
How can I ever deny,
You got me so high,
So high I cannot feel the fire.
And you keep telling me,
Telling me that you’ll be sweet,
And you’ll never want to leave my side,
As long as I don’t break these...

Promises, and they still feel all so wasted on myself 

You got me so wild,
Why should I be so surprised?
You got me so high,
Don’t you see it in my eyes?
And you keep telling me,
Telling me that you’ll be sweet,
And you’ll never want to leave my side,
As long as I don’t break these...

x x x

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