Wednesday 29 February 2012

The beginning of another blog which has more likelihood of being updated regularly than me giving up drinking for good. Nigh on impossible.

So, am back to writing to a blog that no one reads again. Wheyy. I don't even know why I am writing this again, I was just literally sat here doing a load of reading (East Asian Studies, Chinese Culture and Society) and I thought about it. I have also considered writing a diary, but seeing as being at university and in student halls automatically eradicates any sense of privacy, I don't think that will be happening, do you? And if university people find this then 'tis fine, not entirely fussed. They could have seen it before and just not told me, ah well.

Um, yeah. I'm not doing another about me sort of shindig again, people get bored of that and I get bored of me. Basics then. Studying Geography at the University of Sheffield. Have a horse and a dog. Like drinking, alot. :) Yep, that's me pretty much summed up. Also, perhaps probably best to forewarn readers, this blog does not intend to make much sense as I'm just writing as I go I do with most things (letters, emails, essays...exams), so if you get lost, I'd recommend just buggering off. 

 Facebook literally is the bane of my life. It is the love-hate relationship which now dominates most people's lives. It's practical, yes, for finding out what is going on, meeting various persons and establishing some sort of connection with friends that your not around with all the time. It's shit, because people put their life stories on there. Actually, I lie, that's pretty amusing. But, does no one actually ever think before posting something on there? Like the BLATANT attention seeking notions. 'You only knw who your true friends r when shit happens' (That's in their speak, personally, I know how to write like an adult and if I need to abbreviate something, it is either etc, ASAP and so on - people who cannot spell properly or use text speak, seriously, it's not the dark ages. I'm not asking you to read, I'm just asking you to stop blinding me with your fucking horrendous spelling and grammar mistakes) and stupid statuses like that. Yes, we all have shit days, and yes, sometimes we say that to get attention because we just need a hug, everyone has been there before, it's no new concept. But it's this full on bloody life stories that get on there. The whole 'I'm not happy, I'm leaving uni' type thing (Yeahh...this is recent; I have friends who have dropped out for actual genuine reasons rather than a lack of ability in the social area). And to top it all off, to run back to a boyfriend. Literally, I'm single, and the older I get, the more complicated this whole idea of being with someone seems to get. Or is it just a dispersion of morals? I don't know, but I'm starting to see things more as a Jeremy Kyle show these days - not good, not good at all. In addition, the older I get, the more actually childish these relationships seem to be. 'He's the one' You're fucking 19, not 29, you have barely met anyone yet (which could have been done through getting a job, like the rest of us, instead on relying on the parental forces)  Again, everyone has had their crap experiences. If we didn't have them, then it would be boring and people would just end up with their firsts and that would be it. But anyway, back to the concept of 'whining' over Facebook...okay fine, so you put that as a status or whatever, but to then have full on conversation through the comments...It's fucking ridiculous. Why would you want people to see that? Why not email...or post, whatever happened to writing letters. Makes me quite furious. 

 I sound like a bitter old hag, well spinster, but I'm not kicking out at people in relationships. I'm kicking out at people who just literally want to make their lives public, their relationships public, the fact that they're pregnant without a solid backing public. What the hell happened to whispering and rumors. Now, it's pretty much the case that if you want to know something, you go on Facebook. Hypocrite, yes, that is what I am, because let's all admit, Facebook is the ultimate free stalker tool, in which there is no need for hiding behind bushes or straining your hearing so much that all you get is ringing instead of gossip. Doesn't mean that I have to like it though (I think...again, that is a lie, a full-scale argument over that site is like gold dust to people like me...because I'm a social hermit in all respects)

 That's another thing; you need to make effort to make friends, not just hope they come to you. I'm not going to lie, I don't have lots of friends up here at all, but the ones I do have are brilliant and that is all I need. I've never been a fan of just having lots and lots of friends; because people just end up getting left behind or are the ones that get turned on. At least I know that if I do something wrong, which is something that I try VERY hard to NOT do, I can try and get it sorted, rather than it spreading around.

 Also, why the hell do people feel the need that if they have another half, that they are their be all and end all in all situations. Can no one look after themselves anymore? This is me being bitter, purely because most people I've turned to in that mannerism have literally destroyed me; but at the same time, where is independence? Sometimes, I wonder if actually telling people everything is genuinely worse than keeping things bottled up or just committed to self-consideration. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for trying to talk to people if there is something wrong, and I like to think that I can be there for my friends if they ever need to talk to me, but in the sense that you have to rely on someone else when it's your own fault that you're making a change? You decided to leave university love, why run back to your fucking boyfriend. Do something with your life instead. 

 I've probably offended enough people in this post...finding less and less that I care. Truth be told, I care about those who deserve it, not fucking tits who just think that their life is orbiting that of someone else's. 

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