Saturday 5 May 2012

Evidently not a working environment

 It's weird, really, how university is obviously a harder working environment and everything, and that the work load is a lot more difficult to tackle, and yet, here I am, stuck in the flat, which has been over run with a bunch of drunks, and people that I don't really know, making as much noise as humanly possible, while I'm working on this report which is due in this coming Wednesday. Epically annoyed. So annoyed, actually. 
 Fair enough, it's a Saturday night, and fair enough, this is typically stupid time, but at the end of the day, I could really care less. I don't care if they want to have fun, or if they all pay to be in this apartment, at the end of the day, exam period is fast approaching, and I am desperate to get a few more marks so that I can basically confirm going to Aussie. Why should I have to be subject to a bunch of twats ruining this for me? There are pubs, there are clubs, there are basically OTHER places that they could be, rather than hanging outside my room. Admittedly, yeah, I could move to the IC, but I did that last night, why should I have to go out all the time? 
 Eugh. So, yes, am just steadily working  toward the end of all of this (20 days, cannot get over that's me done as a fresher entirely!) but yeah, I'm not bothered about spending these last few days going out, getting fucked and whatever - maybe I'm not your typical student, I dunno, but hey, my life, I'm not here to live up to the typical notions or expectations. I'll let the lot outside do that part, let's be honest, they're doing it pretty well for the entire student population in Sheffield at the moment.

 Why can they not just piss the fuck off? 

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