Monday 23 April 2012

And They're Still All So Wasted On Myself...

 I don't actively pretend that I'm good at keeping stuff up to date. I mean, what exactly is the point, there's no one reading this...apart from perhaps some gremlins or some magical fo-shizz like that. Can't say that I took in the date of the last post, but really I'm just on here to snoop now anyways. 
 So, as you may have gathered, 'tis a Monday morning, I have to leave for lectures in around 30mins and I'm just on here killing time. Only have a few more weeks here at Sheffield as a fresher, which is just plain fucking scary. What the hell. Anyway, the plan still is to go to the University of Western Australia in Perth for my second year (Yayayayyayayyyy) but I need to get these marks sorted. I think I can convince myself out of clubbing. 
 Easter holidays were to say good, but also a confusing matter. The sudden spillage of secrets and old fires being kindled, doth make the heart ache. That was stupid, but yeah. All because I'm going to Australia. One does have to wonder that if they actually TRULY cared, they wouldn't be making such a fucking ordeal of this. Eugh. 

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