Saturday 28 July 2012

Down Under

Now I'm here and everything :) So far, everything has been okay, got here last Friday morning at 5am and have settled into my college pretty well I think, Currie Hall. Everyone is really nice and they all say hi, I got to meet all of the other international and exchange students too and they're all cool, mostly from Singapore and China but there are a couple of Americans and Germans, so that's cool. I'm living with 3 other girls in a flat, 2 of them are from the UK and the other is from Norway - they're all lovely so that's good :) The two from the UK go to Leeds and Nottingham, so that worked out well! Like having the North in one corridor.
 So, just been doing random stuff this week...had disco bowl on Monday (ten pin bowling with lots of music and neon paint), laser tag on Tuesday and then some random stuff in between, that's been cool. Also had orientation at uni too - have enrolled now as a student fully, got my classes and what not. Must email my study abroad advisor actually, which reminds me. Perth as a city is amazing and King's Park is beautiful, can't wait to get up there myself and just walk around looking at everything. I do like it here. And need to keep reminding myself of this. 
 Do miss home of course, and everyone there. I don't know if I'll ever make as close friends here as I have back at home. It's not the same, we can talk about anything, but it's still on treading stones and what not, and yeah. It's just a case of time, and I know this, but I'm just worried I guess that no one will get me again, like last time. I know I fucked up with my old flat. Thank god I made the two friends I did. To be fair, that sort of fucking up can't happen again, because everyone and everything is so different here. I'm not bothered really about going out and drinking, I don't feel comfortable to. I didn't really when I was in Sheffield. I only feel happy around my lot back in the Cotswolds and stuff, but yeah, I need to get over this. 
 I guess the thing I miss the most is having those face to face chats with the parents, friends and who ever else, who is just familiar and they know about me. I can see that I will change, both physically and mentally out here, because I just don't feel like I fit in or anything here just yet. Everyone is just so fit and atheletic, so I need to be this too. Everyone is just so chilled out and stuff. I need to be that too. I can't change my face but I know that I can change everything else about me. But I need to do it right this time. Cannot do that again. Hm.

Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth
You took my light, you drained me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me

This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

I just wanna throw my phone away
Find out who is really there for me
You ripped me off, your love was cheap
Was always tearing at the seams
I fell deep, you let me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me

Now look at me I’m sparkling
A firework, a dancing flame
You won't ever put me out again
I’m glowin’, oh whoa
So you can keep the diamond ring
I never liked it anyway

In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah
Except for me

This is the part of me
Away from me
This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me...
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

Monday 9 July 2012

Hypnotised By Drums

 So, here we are, a week away from departure. Not going to lie, am absolutely bricking it, but as was said to me earlier this week - it would be weird if I wasn't. So, yeah. Currently by myself at home as everyone else went to the sister's graduation. She's done well for herself, even gotten into King's College for her masters. Very proud. And that's all I'll say on the matter, because my position as little sister really doesn't offer the capacity for being nice. It's unconditional love, she doesn't need anything else from me. 

 Went to Thorpe Park this weekend - was wicked. See, look, I used a bit of bold there, to emphasise just how awesome  it was (and again!) But it was a horrible time of morning to even be up, never the less be driving along the motorway and nevertheless be sat in a queue (well, technically stood). Plus, I hadn't managed much sleep the night before, as I sat and watched Girl With A Dragon Tattoo with the famalam, and for whatever reason, I couldn't get the rape scene out of my head. So yes, I had bum rape on my mind when I went to sleep, like most people do when they head to bed. 

 Less worried about the bum rape now. Tomorrow, am going in the morning (after getting up at some godforbidden hour yet again to walk the hound) to get my tarot cards read. I'm up for it, because I do have some kind of belief in those sort of things, but really now that I have started to sit and think about it (and will probably go to sleep thinking about it too now), I just wonder if it is going to make me think over things EVEN more than what I already do. Damn, I honestly hate being a worrier, but when I'm not worried, I'm worrying that I should be worrying about something, which means that evidently I have forgotten something and that I'm going to get in trouble for not remembering it and oh god, it goes on. But, I also can't see the harm in it and I'm more than curious to find out what will be said this time (one was given to me when I was younger, you're not meant to have one until your 18, but this was probably a drunken gypsy or something, she said something about someone dying and it happened, gradually, later on, so yeah, intrigued).

 My forgetfulness and apparent 'changing mind' is causing issues for people at the moment. Let's just get one thing straight - I am not an elephant (I may be the same size, but looks are deceiving after all) and my memory is nigh on useless. Someone can tell me that we are doing something and unless I'm reminded prior to it happening, I can guarantee that I will forget this. It's not me being rude or 'avoiding' people. I have the memory of a hole ridden sieve (by that, I mean that there are extra holes in the sieve - I am well aware that sieves do have holes in...don't panic). As for 'changing my mind', I never agree to anything, I always, always, always say 'I'll see what I can do' or 'I'll let you know'. And people need to stop thinking that it's just them. Everyone gets it. But then to guilt trip ' 'Oh, I cancelled something for you' or 'We may never see each other again', all that crap...Now, that really doesn't work with me. I already feel bad enough as it is if I have forgotten or if I 'change my mind', don't set out to make it any worse, because in addition to making it worse, it only gets me angry and here we are. Me ranting to strangers. 

 I suppose it's better than ranting to the ghost that I am now sure is in the house this evening. I keep seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye and they're too big to be the cat or the dog, so yeah. I've shut my bedroom door. They can't get through doors. At least, not my bedroom door. And if they did, well, I'm not the most elegant sleeper, so it would be a backfire situation, because then they would be haunted by seeing me. So, ha. Win for the mortal/alive/non-ghost people. 

I'm better, so much better now 
I see the lights touch the light? 
Were together now 
I'm better, so much better now 
Look to the sky's 
Give me live 
Were together now 

We've only just begun 
Hypnotized by drums 
Until forever comes 
You'll find us chasing the sun 

They said this day wouldn't come 
We refused to run 
We've only just begun 
 You'll find us chasing the sun 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Cry, Scream or Laugh?

 I blame this thing in my arm, my hormones are all over the place now. Fuck, and now that wonderful time has decided to come into play. I am not having this shit. I'm not having this shit from everyone. If we're all such bitches, then you know what, lets say it to everyone's face, because fuck me, it would make everyone's lives alot easier. 

 Facebook bitching is immature, bitching behind everyone's back is overrated. I will set the new trend. Let's start saying stuff to people's actual face. Stay with me on this one, I think I may have caught the 300 lb fish here. What, if instead of being coy or fucking anal about it all, why don't we just say when we have a problem?

 I suppose me ranting on here isn't exactly supporting my new cause. But, we're not perfect. 

When the blood dries in my veins
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I knock
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope...
Somebody's there

When my heart stops beating
And my lungs stop breathing
In air... 
I hope somebody cares

When the blood dries in my veins
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I knock
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope... 
Somebody's there

When my heart stops beating 
And my lungs stop breathing 
In air...
I hope somebody cares

When my mind stops thinking 
And my eyes stop blinking 
I know... 
At the end