Wednesday 21 March 2012

Each grain of sand?

 I guess that I only felt compelled to write in this today due to some news that I have received this well as seeing that my other friend was also keeping a blog as well. I'm no sheep...or am I? Then again, once you see something, you're perhaps sometimes inclined to follow it. I'm not sure. I'm not sure about much these days. 
 So, my friend is moving in with her boyfriend. I know. You're (if anyone is reading this, which I highly doubt) probably thinking that it's no big ordeal or occasion. But, I beg to differ. I've seen my friend grow up, shared laughs, tears and whatever else you share with them through the past few years. And now, it's like, this is it, I'm grown up. It scares me, to be honest. It makes you wonder why, as kids, we were all dying to grow up, all dying to get to this point where we are truly independent and whatever. I like independence, don't get me wrong. And it's not just university that has let me have this, it's been around for much longer than that. With a change in friends, I became massively independent, and started to see life outside of the nest? Is that even a metaphor? I'm not entirely definite on that, but that is now my metaphor. Out of the nest. I'm sure it will catch on into popular media and speech at some point. Anyway, back to the point, what has happened to the time? I'm going to be 20 in 7 months by the end of the week. That is insane. I'm not getting my head around it. I feel like I'm out of control. Time used to pass so slow when I was younger, I mean, five minutes seemed like forty, but now it feels like 2 seconds. Is this normal? 
 Why is it bothering me so much? Effectively, I have moved out of home now anyway. I'm there for like a few months of the year and then I am back at university. But, I'm still tied there. I wonder if I'll be like this in Australia? Because that is effectively going to be my home for 11 months, if I don't come back for the Christmas holidays. I mean, what do I do? 

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